There was an article in the New York Times this weekend about academic fraud, about a researcher who completely fabricated data sets for multiple studies. My data is real, but there's something about turning information into results, imposing a narrative, that makes it easy to see how someone could go one step further and just build the narrative from scratch. This fall I had to present my research as part of my degree requirement, despite the fact that my data collection was still in progress and my results were nebulous at best. So instead I presented information about my proposal and quotes from individuals I had interviewed, coupled with a quote from 'Wisconsin Death Trip' that had nothing to do with my research at all. The quote, from Michael Lesy, runs thus:
"This book is an exercise in historical actuality, but it has only as much to do with history as the heat and spectrum of light that makes it visible, or the retina and optical nerve of your eye. It is as much an exercise of history as it is an experiment of alchemy. Its primary intention is to make you experience the pages now before you as a flexible mirror that if turned one way can reflect the odor of the air that surrounded me as I wrote this; if turned another, can project your anticipations of next Monday; if turned again, can transmit the sound of breathing in the deep winter air of a room eighty years ago, and if turned once again, this time backwards on itself, can fuse all three images, and so can focus who I once was, what you might yet be, and what may have happened, all upon a single point of your imagination, and transform them like light focused by a lens on paper, from a lower form of energy to a higher."
I am writing a thesis. It is probably going to be at least a little drier than I would like it to be, and the narrative atop it, in the interest of honesty, will probably not be much of a narrative at all; more of an outline than anything fully fleshed. But there's something beneath all of that, outside the tidy box of science, and that's my experience of writing this thesis, conducting this research. Sometimes I get tired just thinking about it, and the whole thing feels like my pound of flesh, and sometimes I...don't, and it doesn't. Instead it feels like something I know how to do, something I've known how to do. It feels like a story I've been given the chance to pull from the ore.
I'm sitting in my office now. It's the second office that has hosted me during this process. To my left is a drained mug of hot chocolate. To my right is a pen, a spoon, my wrist brace, and a pile of cards with a snapped rubber band atop them. Printed on each card is a statement about chronic wasting disease. These cards are one of my research instruments.
Because my research is mostly qualitative, as opposed to quantitative, my other research instrument is myself. My data is being pulled through the cheesecloth of my mind, and as a result, my results, if turned one way, will almost certainly reflect things that only I can see: to me they will reflect summer in Manitoba, sitting on the grass outside the Riding Mountain visitors' center and trying to round up participants; fall in Saskatchewan, when Prince Albert turned gold; driving through both provinces on dark winter nights with snow blowing across those straight, steady roads. And here, in Tromsø, miles away from those places, trying to figure out what the story is I'm telling.
There have been so many times in my life when I've stared at my own history like a scrying glass, trying to figure out what story it tells, trying to project the past onto the future. Even if my narratives feel like an imposition, what I'm doing with my data is not so different from what I've done forever; what everyone does, I think, as we try to make sense of our surroundings. Diederik Stapel, the aforementioned academic fraud, was unable to let the incongruities that emerged during that process stand. His story says a lot of interesting--and I think true--things about academic culture, but when I look at the incongruities in my research I can't help but wonder if they're the most important part, because they challenge us. They challenge me to lay aside the things I had expected to be true and confront the things that are.
A while back, I wrote about research and cameras and objectivity. And some other stuff--I tend to write discursively, always, but especially here. As I sit here, my own flawed research instrument with my own flawed data set, I feel comfortable forsaking objectivity, because I think, if I am translucent enough in my narrative building, it will emerge anyway. There's a quote I keep pinned above my desk, from Richard Hugo's book "The Triggering Town": "I doubt that academic writing will improve until academics believe Valéry, who said he couldn't think of anything worse than being right." In Hugo's book, which is about poetry, it's barely an aside, but above my workspace it's a reminder: I am neither objective nor right. I can try to tell the truth as far as I can see it, but when I encounter something that is murky and opaque to me, the stone that worries my shoe--that's okay. The story the data tells belongs to my research participants, not to me. But, more importantly, nearly every story we draw from reality is dogged with inconsistencies. The process of storytelling is sanding them down, varnishing them to a high gloss, but not eliminating them. And that's a good thing, because it's the grain in the wood that shows us it's real, it came from a true thing. When the grain repeats itself, when it becomes unnaturally regular, when we knock on it and it echoes strange, we can tell the fraud for what it is.