12 March 2009

I've figured out how to recognize American students. Clothes help a little, especially certain brands, but the surefire giveaway? Their water bottles.

Enjoy your second Friday the 13th of the year, by the way.


Anonymous said...

nice try kari, keeping away the comments on that video of yours--kalassic, you're a goof! :)

kari said...

actually, the comments aren't set to be gone, but for whatever reason the link doesn't show up on internet explorer, or on windows os-es or somethin'...I can see it on safari on my mac, but not on the uni computers.

kari said...

actually, the comments aren't set to be gone, but for whatever reason the link doesn't show up on internet explorer, or on windows os-es or somethin'...I can see it on safari on my mac, but not on the uni computers.