07 September 2012

I have a box of suspiciously old Fujifilm (BONUS ROLL, 4+1 pack, with a 'process before' date of November 2008 and a coupon inside the box that expired in March 2007) that I've been running through my FM3A lately. I posted a couple of pictures a couple of weeks ago (and added some to the most recent poemday), and here are some more.

I'm not really one to make bold statements about film v. digital v. anything else, and I've certainly been shooting a lot of digital lately, so I'll just say that the quality of light in these puts the photo in photography. I'll stop before this dissolves into something I really don't need to write right now. Someone else has done it already, I'm pretty sure.

1 comment:

A. B. Goss said...

Just because it's been said before doesn't make you wrong though.