25 November 2012

I bought a plane ticket to Norway a couple of days back. I'll be there from January until July, 2013, studying at the University of Tromsø and finishing my thesis. There's also about a month of traveling tacked on there, at the end, so it's not all hard labor without pay (if it ever was such a thing). 

A little over a year ago I packed up my life and moved to Saskatoon, mostly because the opportunity was there. And Saskatoon brought me the opportunity to go to Norway; unexpected, but welcome, so now I'm packing it all up again (and hoping everything will fit--the Volvo and I have been through a lot together, but she stays the same size while the rest of my stuff keeps expanding). 

Look, I'm not going to pretend to know how life works--and I understand my own life least of all. I read a lot of books as a kid (read a lot of books still), and I'm often tempted to impose storybook narratives on things. Really, this is the only thing I can tell you with certainty: I have a plane ticket to Norway. I need to apply for a visa, but if everything goes well I should be boarding a plane in January, and flying to a place by the mountains and the sea where the sun doesn't break the horizon until January 15th. I'll keep you posted.

For now, though--I'm enjoying Saskatoon (Toontown! The City of Bridges! The Paris of the Prairies!) and dealing with all the things that need to be dealt with before I drive home in December (I hit the road in a couple weeks, barring further blizzarding). Mostly research stuff. It's possible I'll manage to write a coherent post about my research eventually, but this is not that post. This post is purely informative, and the information presented is this: I'm moving. Again.


A. B. Goss said...

How does someone stumble into a chance to go to Norway?

kari said...

I don't know--how does one stumble into anything? The actual chain of events looks like this: my advisor here is affiliated with a group based at the UiT in Norway, and someone there asked if one of his students might want to apply for this fellowship, so he mentioned it to me and I put in an application this spring, and was offered the fellowship this summer. So it did take some initiative, but it definitely wasn't something I was searched out or expected. Hence...stumbling.

A. B. Goss said...

Ah. It boggles my mind that I know the sort of person who receives fellowships. That always seemed to me like a thing that only happens on NPR.

kari said...

If it makes you feel better, calling it a fellowship might be some vagary of translation, so it might actually be a scholarship.

A. B. Goss said...

No, no, don't go trying to make it sound less impressive. That's not how this sort of thing works. What is the difference between a "fellowship" and "scholarship" anyway? I've never been clear.